Ever since I was young, I have always seen biking videos of people ripping down trails and seeing their dogs not far behind chasing them. Growing up with golden retrievers, I found from a young age that taking them on longer rides was very bad for their hips, as you put them at risk for health issues when they become older. But I never thought a Spanish water dog would make such a great trail partner.

The first time I took Moka biking was when she was about 16 weeks old. She slowly chased me around a dual slalom track in the parking lot of “Los Almedrales” in the mountains of Málaga. Maria actually found a video of that exact day!

Mokas first Mountain Bike Ride.

Fast forward to today… She has become one of those dogs you see on Pinkbike and Youtube and she absolutely loves enduro mountain biking! She hits all the jumps, drops, berms and bombs all the trails.

The first run of the day she is fully charged up and constantly trying to pass me, but I insist on teaching her proper trail etiquette and make her stay behind as I can easily catch her on the fast steep stretches. However, on the technical parts, she blows by me every single time. I guess I need to figure out how to let go of the brakes a little more often. However, by the third or fourth lap, she takes her place and we rip!

I threw together a quick edit of a typical afternoon ride in our backyard of Málaga. Hope you enjoy!

<iframe width="720" height="405" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HyjQya6hb40" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Let errr rip!